Sequential Batch Renaming

Here is a simple batch processing method using the File > Automate > Batch command that enables you to bypass the Action Process requirement so you can perform manual output sequential batch processing. Step 1: Create a ‘donothing’ Action Go...

Vertus Fluid Mask Cut Out Filter

If your familiar with Photoshop’s Quick Mask feature, as well as, the native Extract Filter, then you will feel right at home using Fluid Mask.Fluid Mask combines these two features into a compact intuitive user interface that can create cut-outs from a variety...

Script Events Manager Tips

Remove A Notifier You can remove a custom notifier (such as the SAVEFORWEB listed above) event from the drop-down list by deleting the Script Events Manager.xml preference file from in the Photoshop preferences folder. To locate the Script Events Manager.xml: XP...

Introduction to Scripts Events Manager

A great new automation and productivity tool shipped with Photoshop (CS2) is the Scripts Events Manager. Essentially this tool combines Javascripts and/or Actions to coincide with unique Photoshop Events Documented as notifiers). The new manager can take these two...

Use Adobe Dialog

A neat feature into Photoshop CS2 is this ‘Use Adobe Dialog’ as opposed to using the standard ‘Use OS Dialog’ when Opening files. To locate this feature, run Photoshop CS2, then ‘File > Open’ and you will be prompted with the...