Step and Repeat Custom Shapers’ in Photoshop
A simple step and repeat process for an endless array of custom shapes. Step and Repeat Transformation Start with a Custom Shape (Preset) Outline Ctrl + Alt + T (Mac: Command + Option + T) to transform Rotate, Scale or Adjust the center Reference Anchor and commit…

15 Blue Tiled Pattern Pack for Photoshop
A free set of Adobe® Photoshop® seamless (tiled) Patterns, free to use as you please. Add style to document/prototype backgrounds, web elements or incorporate them with image blends. Read Photoshop Patterns (Loading) for a quick guide to loading Photoshop pattern…
Kelby TV – Online Shows for Creative Professionals
A one stop creative ‘podsource’ brought to you by the folks of Kelby Media Group. Get your fix for Photoshop (Photoshop Killer Tips, Photoshop User Tv), Lightroom (Lighroom Killer Tips), Digital Photography (D-Town TV) and the Creative Suite line of…
psdAutoSaver for Photoshop
psdAutoSaver For Adobe Photoshop , by Electric Iris: psAutoSaver is a plugin for Photoshop (from version 7 to CS4) thats helps protect valuable work by automatically saving the imgaes being edited to one or more backup files, as you work. Details and Trial for…
Two TLR Panels for Photoshop Available
Glenn Mitchell of The Lights Right (TLR) Studio has ported two of his action sets to Photoshop flash Panels: TLR Tone Mask Toolkit Panel and the TLR Professional Sharpening Actions Panel. Available only for CS4, download and install instructions is available in the…
Layers Screen Capture Utility for Photoshop
Capture your displays as a Photoshop layered image Don’t waste time capturing each window separately, importing them in your favorite PSD editor, naming the layers, positioning the images, etc. Do it with Layers in no time! Press the capture hotkey or customize…
Free Photoshop Filters and Plugins
Spotted this resource in my linkedIN account and though it worthy to post/share for all you filter/plugin fans. Visit for details.
Create Table Styles in Photoshop
If you ever had the chance to create a table in Photoshop you will soon find yourself dabling with a score of tools just to get the job done. In three routines you can create similar tables styles like the following, with ease. To get acquainted with the three step…
Blog Panels Accessible in Photoshop CS4
John Nack has made available two ‘Configurator’ flash Panels (blog feeds) for Photoshop CS4. Details and download from John Nack’s blog.
Create Table Styles in Photoshop
If you ever had the chance to create a table in Photoshop you will soon find yourself dabling with a score of tools just to get the job done. In three routines you can create similar tables styles like the following, with ease. To get aquainted with the three step…