LoremIpsum is a random text generator which helps designers to quickly add placeholder text to mockups. It uses a database of sentences and intelligence to generate random, non-repetitive text.
You can use this extension in both Fireworks CS3 and Fireworks CS4.
Features :
- Generate text as Paragraphs, Words, Lists [Plain / Bulleted / Numbered], Characters.
- Use preset styles on text to generate. And flexibility to change the preset setting Font, Font Size, Line Height [Leading], Font Weight and Font style.
- Converting selected text to lower case, upper case or only first character of each word to upper case.
- Adding amount of text to selected Path [text in path].
- Adding more text to existing text block. Refer to LoremIpsum.pdf for details on installing and using this extension.
Panel available via Adobe Fireworks Marketplace. (Requires Adobe ID to download)