
Fireworks Flower Power
Three free vector flower design samples created in Adobe Fireworks. Once downloaded unzip and open the .png file in Adobe Fireworks. Each ‘flower’ (group) graphic is isolated onto its own Layer for easy selection. Use as you please. [divider] How was it Made? I…

Fireworks Vector Price Tag Graphics
Eight free ‘price tag’ vector graphics, including some additional base element shapes to work with for user inspired additions. Download [download id=”15″]. Once downloaded unzip and open the .png file in Adobe Fireworks. Each ‘price…

Fireworks Auto-Shape Tip: Multi-tiered Filters
Here is a workflow tip when working with Auto-Shapes and applying multi-tiered filtering. As captured below you can locate the 13 native Auto-Shape Tools directly from the Toolbar. When drawn to Canvas, the Star Auto-Shape for example, you get special object oriented…

Adobe Fireworks: Video Toolkit Themes
A video toolkit collection of commonly used icons; 9 sample themed video players; 6 thumbnail previews; 9 themed play buttons (rectanglular or circle); and 11 themed playback control bars. The download (at the bottom of this page) consists of two pages: Page 1 has…

Facebook Panel/ UI Iconset
Fireworks CS5 to Flash Catalyst CS5 Facebook Panel/Iconset Free Fireworks CS5 Facebook sample datalist & iconset for use in prototypes, but optimized for FXG export to Flash Catalyst CS5. The following download (bottom of this page) contains: Sample Facebook…

Fireworks CS5 to Flash Catalyst CS5 Data List Toolkit
Free Fireworks CS5 Data List Toolkit for use in prototypes, but optimized for FXG export to Flash Catalyst CS5. The following download (bottom of this page) contains: 12 sample Data List designs. Navigate the Pages panel in Fireworks to toggle the samples. What is it?…

Fireworks to Flash Catalyst Scrollbar Panel Toolkit
Free Fireworks CS5 Scroll Bar and Scroll Panel Toolkit for use in prototypes, but optimized for FXG export to Flash Catalyst CS5. The following download contains: 14 sample Vertical and Horizontal Scrollbars. 3 sample Scroll Panels. Download [download…
Export Artwork to Flash Catalyst CS5
Learn how to export Fireworks CS5 artwork (scrollbar/ scroll panel) to its corresponding interactive Flash Catalyst CS5 component. Visit the Scrollbar Panel Toolkit page for details.

Fireworks CS5 to Flash Catalyst Checklist
Using Fireworks CS5 to design interactive prototypes for Flash Catalyst follow these simple ‘mapping’ procedures to insure optimal results. Below is a simple login design and Layer structure using core Fireworks design elements (text, paths, primitive shapes, styles,…

Dynamic Bokeh Styles by Mikko Vartio
Dynamic Bokeh Styles for Adobe Fireworks by Mikko Vartio A nice little collection of 10 prefab ‘bokeh’ styles to use in website backgrounds or header graphics, created by Mikko Vartio. Stylish and dynamic! For details and download visit Mikkos’ blog…