Twenty years ago I changed careers and ventured into Information Technology, computer programming, and graphic design. This site spawned from my year in IT graduate school, back n ’99. Though it houses much of my graphic design tutorials and resources (see footer links) I am now reverting it back into a showcase for my mixed media and watercolor artworks, past and future.
After lying dormant for over 20 years, I have made a return to sketching and painting. Urban, architectural, and splash of color that makes our landscape unique, are the primary theme of these works. Prints of some of my works are available for preorder.
Journey with me as I capture life in watercolor.
Click a thumbnail image below to view full size.

Military Road, St Johns, NL

Battery Road, St Johns, NL

Lemarchant Road, St Johns, NL

Church Hill & Henry Street, St Johns, NL

Duckworth Street, St Johns, NL

Military Road, St Johns, NL

Gower Street - Cochrane Street Intersections St. Johns, NL

Suntastic Sunflower

Harvey Road, St Johns, NL

Kings Road, St Johns, NL

Gower Street, St Johns, NL

Corpis Christi Church, St Johns, NL

York Street, St Johns, NL

New Gower & Pitts Memorial, St Johns, NL

Quidi Vidi Village, St Johns, NL

Longs Hill, St Johns, NL

Quidi Vidi Village, St Johns, NL

Quidi Vidi Village, St Johns, NL

York Street, St Johns, NL

Gower Street United Church, St Johns, NL

Anglican Cathedral, St Johns, NL

Gower Street, East, St Johns, NL